How to Become a Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping is a great way to earn extra money and get out of the house. It’s also a great way to get free stuff!

Here are the steps on how to become a mystery shopper:

  1. Find a mystery shopping company. There are many different mystery shopping companies out there, so it’s important to do some research to find one that’s a good fit for you.
  2. Sign up for the company’s program. Once you’ve found a company that you’re interested in, you’ll need to sign up for their program. This will usually involve providing some basic information about yourself, such as your name, address, and email address.
  3. Complete a training course. Most mystery shopping companies will require you to complete a training course before you can start working. This course will teach you about the company’s policies and procedures, as well as how to complete a mystery shop.
  4. Start shopping! Once you’ve completed the training course, you can start shopping! When you’re assigned a mystery shop, you’ll be given a list of instructions. These instructions will tell you what to do and what to look for during your shop.
  5. Submit your report. After you’ve completed your mystery shop, you’ll need to submit a report to the company. This report will include your observations and any feedback that you have.
  6. Get paid! Once the company has reviewed your report, you’ll be paid for your work. The amount of money that you earn will vary depending on the company and the type of mystery shop.

Here are some websites where you can find mystery shopping opportunities:

  • American Mystery Shopper: American Mystery Shopper is one of the largest mystery shopping companies in the United States. They offer a variety of mystery shopping opportunities, including retail, restaurants, and hotels. Sense of Cents American Mystery Shopper.
  • Market Force Information: Market Force Information is another large mystery shopping company. They offer a variety of mystery shopping opportunities, including retail, restaurants, and hotels. Market Force Information website.
  • Shopper Army: Shopper Army is a smaller mystery shopping company. They offer a variety of mystery shopping opportunities, including retail, restaurants, and hotels. Click CapitaShopper Army to website.
  • BestMark: BestMark is a large mystery shopping company. They offer a variety of mystery shopping opportunities, including retail, restaurants, and hotels. Gig Hustlers BestMark website address

These are just a few of the many websites where you can find mystery shopping opportunities. By following the steps above, you can start earning extra money as a mystery shopper.

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